Wednesday, May 6, 2020

When Your COB Is My EOD free essay sample

This paper will analyze my work place as my learning environment by COB analysis. As mentioned above, several criteria or strengths contribute to my learning in the clinical practice area. For newly joined nurses, an orientation program was organized in the ward. The program includes orientation to the ward routines and physical layout Of the ward. The program helped to allay my anxiety and fear at the new work environment. It also afforded me a fuller image of what would be my job and obligation in the clinical practice area. There is a discussion room in my ward, equipped with arioso reading materials and reference guides related to my work, such as work description file and drug dilution formula. Computers with internet access were placed in discussion room and nurses counter. The computers were installed with a secured hospital information system that gives much information for learning. Besides, my computer skills were enhanced too. Furthermore, I was kept abreast and exposed to learn around the latest technology equipments used in practice in my ward. However, to gain proper learning support, I faced some challenges as well. In my unit, the ratio of qualified mentors to the junior staffs is not satisfied. While, available senior staff nurses have lack of interest involving in junior nurses training and assessment mainly because their heavy workload due to shortage of staff. At times, it is difficult to learn bedside patient care skills due to lack Of supervision and guidance from mentor. Apart from that, the overcrowded practice area in my unit limits the quality and quantity of formal and bedside teaching by the mentor. In big groups, it is difficult to visualize any procedure demonstrated by the mentor, as my concentration was compromised. Furthermore, restricts hands on of a procedure as I to moment for limited learning opportunities with other learners. Wide range of patients cared in my unit. I was given opportunities to rehearse new skills on real patients with a mentors supervision and guidance. Active participation helped me to develop self-motivation to learn further. I was given protected time by mentor to take queries and clear my doubts. I was welcomed in the multidisciplinary team clinical case discussion and sent to health workshops that gave me new knowledge. Besides that, my unit nurse manger promotes learning opportunities by organizing continues nursing education (CNN) classes every Friday. The talk would be given by mentors or other allied science practitioners with various topics. Indirectly, CNN classes helped me to gain new knowledge and fulfill the mandatory CAP points requirements for nursing practice registration annually. Lack of communication due to inferior superiority complexes is identified as a potential barrier to effective interpersonal relationship between working peers. Junior nurses often scolded and treated as scapegoats for any faults in the practice area. This, unhealthy social climate create stress, embarrassment and unhappiness which indirectly inhibit learning. Another barrier encountered was lack of nurse recruitment by the organization. Insufficient staff energy is pulled along the heavy workload so experienced staff rarely has time for teaching. Sparingly, organization rarely fund for mentors courses for eligible staffs. Consequently, clinical career pathways for nurses become restricted. The conclusion is, my practice area as a learning environment helped me to achieve the required learning outcomes and competencies, although some area of improvement needed in sorting out the barriers and challenges. ACTIVITY 2 Professional development gave an identity to my profession as a mentor in reactive. My professional development goal, coaches me to build my career pathway. However, areas for developments still exist for my better professional practice. As a professional in practice, my experience in coronary care nursing for the past 5 years with 2 years coronary care post-basic qualification facilitated continuous learning and contributed in my professional development. Besides, Im well-trained to conduct basic life support classes with my team for junior doctors and nurses in my unit. Indeed, I work in an international recognized organization, where I needed good mastery in English language. Therefore, I need to attend English classes to improve my English proficiency to converse among the other various groups of professional practitioners from other country. Apart from that, as a learner, I am open- minded to learn from colleagues and accept constructive criticism and feedback from them while learning and sharing information. At practice area, I always look for new challenges and self-motivated to learn further in order to be knowledgeable. I use a reflective diary to monitor own learning and development. Undoubtedly, have crucial time to survive a busy shift and maintain balance between work and learning. Perhaps, need to improve my time management and develop planning skills. With good time management, tasks at work can be done effectively in a timely manner which in turn leads to less frustration and stress. Sparingly, I can have more time for learning. Meanwhile, as a mentor in practice, I am non-judgmental in accepting junior nurses as a developing professional person. At practice area, support and encourage my minute by offering guidance and knowledge. Moreover, to be a good role model, I demonstrated commitment to my job and facilitate formal and informal learning. Eventually, I need to improve my entering skills by enrolling into updated mentoring course which covers effective teaching supervision, assessment and leadership skills. Developing competencies in these areas are important as it will enhance my professional development as a mentor. In conclusion, continuous professional development (CAP) is needed to broaden my knowledge and skill competencies. I need to attend continuous nursing education classes, conferences and workshops to keep abreast with current professional nursing practice. Besides that, to manage academic and knowledge development, enrollment for undergraduate studies and reading educational urinals is essential for my (CAP). ACTIVITY 3 According to Wong and Lee (2000,), quality nursing education takes place in clinical settings in order produce competent nurse. After analyzing my practice area as a learning environment, will reflect upon three areas for improvements. Had chosen Gibbs (1988) model of reflection to structure my essay. The model was created by Professor Graham Gibbs and has 6 reflective stages, consist of description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. Learning experience and reflective process enhances learning (Wong Lee, 2000). I started my profession as a nurse in a coronary care ward. Post orientation week, due to limited mentor in my unit, I was tagged with one senior staff nurse (USN). She was nursing a post myocardial infarction patient with pulmonary artery catheter. The way she conversed with me showed that she assumed I have been thought everything by mentor during ward orientation and bedside teaching. As both of us about to start working a senior physician came for round. The physician ordered the USN to trace the patients blood results. While she was away, was standing at bedside and he ordered me to print the cardiac output wedge erasure report from the cardiac monitor. I got panic as not sure how to print it. There was another nurse at the cubicle, I quickly approached her for help. Well, thought she would come and help me, instead she just told me rudely to press the wedge report button on the monitor. I did exactly what she told me, but the report could not be printed as out of paper. The worst part, I dint even know how to replace the paper also. While the physician was scolding me for the delay, my tagging USN came and save the situation. Felt extremely miserable after scolded by the physician in front of the patient ND other colleagues. I was also embarrassed and upset by my inability to print the report and replace the finished paper. I was also upset with the other nurse for her rude response instead of helping me or just answer me with a courtesy. The experience left me very distressed and felt not included in the ward. Poor relationship in practice area may lead to unhealthy emotion that inhibits learning (Spawning Uses, 2013). Eventually, although it was a bad experience, felt more determined to learn at my practice area. Besides, after sharing my feelings about the experience with my colleagues, legalized they have gone through similar experiences too. From that moment, became a positive thinker and fixed in my mind, the same humiliating experience should not happen again. Later, I found appropriate time and approached my tagging USN. I explained to her that during orientation, basic exposure only was given about the cardiac monitor. Printing out cardiac output wedge pressure report was totally new for me at that time. Then, the USN taught me overall about the cardiac monitor. Besides, I had the opportunity to hands on the monitor and took down notes in my pocketbook for future reference. I have analyzed my workplace is a learning environment and there are some areas for improvements. During orientation week initially, the mentor in charge of new nurses, held some bedside cardiac monitor teaching. I recalled. There were about 10 new nurses in my group. The place was overcrowded, due to only one mentor available for teaching as some of other mentors attended conference and attached with management task. Some of us had difficulty visualizing her demo session and competed with each others to hands on which effected our learning. According to Beck et al. , (2002), practice by doing is more effective in learning. USN should be encouraged to join mentors or proprietorship course by offering incentives (Jackson, 2001 ) to overcome shortness of mentor at practice area. If more mentors were available, big group Of learners can be spilt into smaller groups to avoid overcrowded bedside teaching. Conducive environment is important in clinical learning (Wong and Lee, 2000). Furthermore, according to Gill and Decree (2003), effective bedside teaching takes place through observation, understanding and practicing. Added, question and answer session between mentor and learner would be enhanced. Besides, poor immunization skills at practice area effect on good interpersonal relationship among working peers. Thus, team work will not take place. Essential communication skills are deemed to be listening and attending, empathy, information giving and support in the context of a therapeutic relationship (Grant and Bach, 2009, peg. 3). Wong and Lee (2000) also highlighted negative nurse-related incidents between other colleagues is related to non- conducive learning environment. Practicing nurses should be scheduled to attend communication skills course and assessed periodically by nurse managers. Good interpersonal relationship, communication and us port at practice area promotes a conducive environment for learning (Spawning and Uses, 201 3). Landed, according t o Wong and Lee (2000), good role-modeling contributed to professional development of nurses. However, the experience motivated me to learn every single procedure in my practice area. Took the challenge to practice different tasks to gain confident to practice competently. Realized more attention should have been given during bedside teaching although it was challenging to learn in overcrowded placement. Besides I felt that I had developed interpersonal relationship with y tagging USN and gained new knowledge after approaching her personally. Undoubtedly, will build my interpersonal relationship with my entire ward members as we will work as a team. In order to that will enroll in a communication skills course to handle allied healthcare professionals professionally. Besides that, I will continue learning at my practice area, regardless all the negative emotions and people who can affect my learning. To keep abreast with current practice at my practice area, will do self- directed learning by revising on my clinical practice guidelines, work descriptions and ward policies. In conclusion, Gibbs model of reflection was simple and easy to use. It helped me in self-improvement and promoted learning from experience.

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