Friday, July 31, 2020

Topic to Narrate Essay

Theme to Narrate EssayThe points to describe article by and large change as indicated by the idea of your subject. An exposition on a game, for instance, may require various subjects to that of a paper on theory or governmental issues. The themes you will require are just a little segment of what you will require. The rest is finding and composing your way through it.There are a few people who just normally describe with no idea and suddenness. Be that as it may, in the event that you need to compose a lot of material with profundity, you should discover the focuses to go to and remain with them. On the off chance that you can't keep a straight story line, this will restrain how far your story will go.The subjects to describe exposition, as referenced above, will rely upon the kinds of topics you are working with. Subjects that are profoundly topical, for example, legislative issues, religion, life, and so on will require further examination and investigation. For these sorts of them es, you might need to begin with a general conversation of the point and afterward attempt to dive into more detail. This is the place an elegantly composed point rundown will come in handy.Most of the occasions, however, it is ideal to begin with a wide subject. Your primary point ought to be about a general idea or thought. As an essayist, the possibility of an expansive topic has been useful to numerous authors and a chance to deal with the points of interest of the thoughts. At the point when you're beginning, you should approach a companion for input or to converse with somebody who expounds on the topic.The next interesting point when you're attempting to make sense of the subjects to describe paper is the best possible time period. You need to understand that a few points are ideally left revealed. You would prefer not to fill your piece with a lot of data that you can't get across when individuals are compelled to hear it out. One thought here is to conceptualize your subjec ts first. After the expansive thought is built up, you can begin narrowing down those points to limit your focus.The next interesting point when you're attempting to make sense of the subjects to describe exposition is the tone. There are a wide range of styles of composing, from formal to conversational. When you've decided your style, you can move into the subjects to describe paper that are most appropriate for the style you've chosen.Finally, the points to describe article will be controlled by your composing style. In the event that you want to compose stories, at that point you'll have more opportunity when expounding on the things that transpire as you come. On the other hand, in the event that you want to compose through the depictions, you will be progressively compelled and have more choices.The most ideal approach to make sense of the subjects to describe paper is to give yourself an arrangement. Plan on how you need to transform every theme into an exposition and afterwa rd consider how to fuse every thought into the piece.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Custom Term Paper Searches Can Make It Easy To Find Great Papers

Custom Term Paper Searches Can Make It Easy To Find Great PapersOne of the best instruments for scientists in the region of research projects is custom research paper search. The intensity of an amazing asset like this is its capacity to produce the most pertinent outcomes for you by breaking down all the components that cause research projects to rank higher in indexed lists. With only a little persistence and a little examination, you can begin receiving the rewards immediately.The first thing that you have to comprehend about custom research paper search is the manner in which it works. It is totally unique in relation to other web indexes that simply rank the most famous terms. Rather, it distinguishes phrases that associate with your subject and gives them an extraordinary positioning. This is finished by investigating the quantity of other related terms, the length of the terms, and their recurrence inside the equivalent topic.You can get a great deal of intensity out of custom research project search. This amazing asset has the ability to recognize phrases that identify with your point and spot them at the highest priority on the rundown in each internet searcher. For instance, in case you're attempting to make sense of how to make your theme paper all the more intriguing, this device can support you. It will have the option to perceive the most grounded subjects and make a custom rundown that contains simply the best words identified with your topic.Another thing that you can do with this product is to decrease the quantity of result pages that your rival gets. The thought behind custom research paper search is to distinguish great watchwords, abbreviate them and give them the best position. At the point when your rivals utilize precisely the same terms, your watchword thickness will be excessively low, which will make your page rank lower.There is an approach to address this issue, however. Custom research project search works by utilizing an instrumen t called 'LIMO.' This is an apparatus that will utilize your catchphrase thickness and add it to your custom rundown with the goal that you get the most ideal position. There are numerous things that you can do with this product. For instance, you can utilize it to expel the awful words from your paper. Rather than composing 'tale' and scanning for it on Google, you can utilize a catchphrase editorial manager to perceive how it is spelled and afterward record it in the paper. You would then be able to take the duplicate you have composed and alter it to expel the terrible words and you will have the option to spare your paper.This is a powerful instrument that permits you to have a word processor available to you for the whole length of the paper. You won't need to write in the edges any longer and you will have the option to utilize the whiteboard to take care of issues. As the title of this article says, you can utilize this product for more than each paper in turn. This is on the grounds that the apparatus is adaptable enough to be utilized in the long run.It is likewise imperative to take note of that you should attempt to utilize a word processor that is dependable and effectively adjustable. You would prefer not to need to recollect your record's document expansion any longer. The adaptability of custom research paper search is a piece of what makes it so helpful and well known, so you'll need to pick a decent program with the goal that you can utilize it starting now and into the foreseeable future.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Writing a Research Paper

Composing a Research PaperWriting an examination paper requires a great deal of planning, however is really not troublesome. With a little devotion and arranging, the creative cycle can be made easier.The initial step to composing an exploration paper is to make your own examination. This includes composing a point by point outline of the data you need to remember for your paper. As you compose your rundown, remember the reason for your task and how it will be used.Include however much detail as could be expected about the subject. This will help you when you start composing. Next, make a list of sources of the entirety of the references you intend to use in your paper. You can make your book reference effectively utilizing a PC program, for example, Microsoft Word or the free Online Journal, or by composing your references in a word archive format.Once you have your list of sources prepared, you can begin conceptualizing for your paper. It's imperative to be as explicit as conceivab le when you are conceptualizing. Recall that most papers are given to teachers in order to make them better at their particular employment, so attempt to consider this a chance to improve your skills.Always ensure that you forget about any subtleties that could make your examination paper hard to peruse. An excessive number of language structure mistakes will make the peruser wonder why you were even tried to assemble a paper.Finally, investigate the general thought of your paper and check whether it fits with what you definitely know. On the off chance that you definitely realize what the inquiry is, don't change the inquiry to fit it. Or maybe, center around raising points that you think may be essential to your readers.If you need to check whether you can finish your examination paper at a time, compose your paper first and afterward experience it later. You can take as much time as necessary and get the entirety of your subtleties in before you start the real creative cycle. Thi s is an incredible method to separate your examination and make it simpler to survey later.Writing an exploration paper isn't as troublesome as certain individuals might want you to accept. While you should take care when you are doing your exploration, you can in any case make the procedure somewhat less dreary with some cautious arranging and great association. Before you know it, you'll have the option to compose an extraordinary paper without rehashing yourself!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Essay Examples - How to Find Essay Examples For Critical Essays

Paper Examples - How to Find Essay Examples For Critical EssaysCritical articles models can be amazingly helpful for any individual who needs to attempt to improve their own exposition composing. Despite the fact that there are heaps of approaches to improve one's exposition, there is an a lot simpler approach to do it than attempting to make the paper on your own.There are a wide range of kinds of article models that you can discover on the web. You can discover extraordinary instances of article models on the web so as to assist you with getting increasingly acquainted with the style that you need to utilize. When taking a gander at expositions models, it is imperative to recollect that there are a lot of various styles and not only one style.Generally, you ought to have the option to discover article models in a wide range of organizations on the web. You can discover model expositions in different arrangements, for example, messages, PDF records, Word archives, and even Microsoft Word reports. There are even sites that offer these paper models free of charge!One of the most ideal approaches to discover article models is to search for models that have been made by others. By searching for these expositions you will have the option to perceive how the article style has developed after some time. In the event that you need to have the option to recognize the patterns that are going on in this specific sort of paper, you will need to search for models that have been made by others.By searching for exposition models that have been made by others, you will have the option to gain from their missteps. These mix-ups may have been made deliberately or they may have been made incidentally. Realizing how to dodge these errors can assist you with being ready to make a superior showing in your own essay.Finally, search for paper models that have just been composed. These are regularly composed by somebody who works in this specific style of paper. These exposition model s may likewise contain loads of explicit guidelines that have been set up by the essayist. These standards might be utilized to help make the paper position increasingly extraordinary and to forestall any disarray for the reader.If you need to have the option to discover exposition models that have just been composed, you will need to utilize the web. This is the main way that you will have the option to find out about how another person has had the option to turn out to be acceptable at composing articles. By taking a gander at these expositions, you will have the option to realize what these scholars have done to get effective in this specific sort of essay.These articles models will permit you to have the option to compose your own papers. This can assist you with being ready to figure out how to improve your own exposition composing. It can likewise assist you with improving your composing abilities.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

IELTS Essay Liz - Practice For IELTS and SAT Exams

IELTS Essay Liz - Practice For IELTS and SAT ExamsExamining the IELTS Essay Liz tests is useful in learning the IELTS article composing process. It's essential to comprehend that the majority of these tests are very comparable and that an IELTS Essay test is only one way to deal with building a schedule for the test. You should remember that the entirety of the example prospectuses and test addresses contained on this site are for instructive purposes just and that you ought not endeavor to apply the rules found in these samples.IELTS tests can be utilized as assets to learn IELTS substance and composing aptitudes. The association and arrangement of the prospectus ought to be recognizable to understudies who are endeavoring the test. Perusing, featuring, and keeping in touch with the finish of every entry is significant in a last test of the year. Not exclusively does the last composing survey accommodate an increasingly gainful investigation meeting, yet it will take into considerat ion a superior cognizance of the material contained in the syllabus.The reason for Sample Memoranda like the IELTS Essay Liz is to furnish understudies with a manual for a progressively profitable examination meeting. As the course is like different IELTS tests, understudies can locate various likenesses. A prospectus will have a similar structure, likenesses among entries, and reiteration in point and words. It is basic that understudies perceive the amount of this prospectus they should excel all alone, and furthermore with regards to composing the last audit. Understudies can survey the prospectus for their own scholarly presentation or for the objective exam.IELTS articles necessitate that understudies center around not just how the essayist comprehends the language and thoughts of the test, yet the improvement of a complete and efficient audit. Much of the time, educators and understudies the same will concentrate on perusing and understanding the material. For IELTS talking/li stening tests, the attention might be on making and conveying sentences so as to exhibit fluency.Since IELTS Essay Liz tests can be gotten to from a site page, numerous understudies will need to invest some energy assessing the models. Understudies can see how to layout the article, how to start a sentence, and what to keep away from when composing a perusing. It can likewise be utilized to survey models so as to discover how the test might be scored and how the scholars may arrange their writing.This site will give understudies an abundance of information about how the IELTS test will be managed and what ought not out of the ordinary for the various sorts of assessments. This incorporates the correlation of composed tests and understanding tests, tests of IELTS papers, and the various kinds of composed and spoken answers. This webpage will give understudies an extraordinary practice with expositions in a progressively reasonable setting, utilizing practices for conceptualization, f orecast, and analysis.While this online asset can give incredible practice to understudies and educators the same, recollect that the outcomes are not official and can't be utilized for school credit. This is particularly valid for the SAT. It is as yet imperative to peruse and break down any assets that layout test works on, including those that are found on the internet.The IELTS tests offer an incredible prologue to article composing and test arrangement. Also, an abundance of data about the test and how to compose well will be found on this site. Understudies and educators the same will find that this asset gives an extraordinary beginning stage in their coursework. The objective of a last test of the year is to create an incredible appraisal of an understudy's instruction, which is made simpler via cautious and compelling exposition composing.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

You Need Term Paper Help

You Need Term Paper HelpDo you experience difficulty composing the articles you have to make for your research project? You most likely are being informed that it's anything but a smart thought to attempt to compose the papers without assistance. All things considered, you can really locate some incredible online assistance on the off chance that you search for it.The issue that most understudies face is that they are truly in a tight spot attempting to make sense of how to find support with their papers. It tends to be a genuine torment and without a doubt, it won't benefit you in any way by any means. You'll be burning through a great deal of time attempting to get someone to assist you with this. A few people even accept it as their undertaking to 'help' them to compose their term papers.You might be asking yourself what it is that you should be help with your research paper. The explanation you need someone to help you is that it will give you a superior possibility at getting th e evaluations you need. I realize that sounds self-evident, however it's reality. Getting a passing mark is so significant, it nearly appears to be difficult to you.With that being stated, I'm certain you likewise are thinking about whether there is some assist you with canning get that is going to make it simpler for you to compose your research paper. I have been there myself, so let me inform you regarding how I found support with my research paper. This is the thing that you can hope to occur in the event that you set aside a little effort to search for help.I had attempted many locales that were advancing assistance with research projects. I didn't locate a solitary site that offered any assistance with my composition. There were loads of spots that needed me to go through cash on help with research papers, however that is not the assistance that you need.The reason that these sites don't offer any assistance with your composing is that they need you to go through cash to have the option to compose. All they need is cash from you. Be that as it may, there is an approach to get some assistance with your article without spending a dime. What's more, that is by utilizing an assistance that will give you help with article writing.If you're worn out on the way that you can't compose your research paper without assistance, at that point you should realize that there are a few locales that represent considerable authority in helping you to compose research projects. There are administrations that will really assist you with the fundamentals of what you should compose your research paper. They realize that on the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea how to compose the papers, at that point you will burn through a great deal of time and effort.You ought not be burning through your time attempting to make sense of how to find support with your research project. You ought to utilize an online assistance that will give you help with paper composing. These administrations offer you everything that you need and the sky is the limit from there.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Human Resources Essay Topics

HR Essay TopicsThere are numerous HR paper subjects. You can think about them as the base of your training regarding the field of HR. There are numerous themes that spread an assortment of subjects, for example, various regions in which you can go after a position, the different advantages of filling in as a human asset and what are some valid justifications for getting a job.These points will assist you with getting to know various viewpoints that you can deal with. You can likewise take notes on the various subjects that you have discovered fascinating. This will support you on the off chance that you intend to compose the paper for an up and coming employment interview.You can likewise take a gander at a portion of the scholastic courses that you may be keen on. There are a great deal of scholarly courses that spread this topic. It is dependent upon you to discover increasingly about these points with the goal that you will be solid and steady when the opportunity arrives to compo se the essay.As for the individuals who are utilized yet don't have a degree, there are bunches of themes that they can observe on. You can likewise investigate the distinctive openings for work that you can investigate by perusing the diverse activity declarations or the distinctive occupation postings on the web. Observe the things that you can do to find a new line of work on the off chance that you are utilized and in the event that you are searching for one.You can likewise investigate the various clubs that you have a place with and observe these points. The best thing that you can do is to think about them as a feature of your instructive preparing. You can consider these themes as a major aspect of your instructive preparing with the goal that you will find out about the various open doors that you can participate in once you are employed.The most basic HR exposition points incorporate the accompanying. These themes incorporate correspondence, association, relationship build ing abilities, authority and relational abilities. You can investigate these points by taking notes on them, through articles or from the internet.If you are keen on seeking after different employments and in the event that you need to go after the different positions that you can discover, you can likewise think about the subject of HR. Observe the different employments accessible in the HR business. You can find out about these employments on the web, by counseling books and magazines, or through different sources that you have.You ought to likewise consider perusing the different articles and different sources on the Internet since it will give you fundamental data about the different themes that you can partake in. There are a great deal of themes that you can take notes on and these subjects are practically interminable. In any case, it will be best for you to look into the changed subjects that you can discover on the web.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Literature review of concepts and theories of Motivation - Free Essay Example

In the fierce era of competition, organizations nowadays are more emphasizing on the management of Human Resources (Robert. L, 2008). Motivation; a key strategy in Human Resource Management has helped practitioners largely enough to subject the term Motivation for a discussion. Steers et al. (2004), asserted that employee motivation plays a vital role in the management field; both theoretically and practically. It is said that one of the important functions of human resource manager is to ensure job commitment at the workplace, which can only be achieved through motivation (Petcharak, 2002). Based on these reasoning, this paper shall include analytical and empirical studies to reveal the discrepancies and feasibility aspect of the domain, as Rai (2004) put forward; motivation is crucial for good performance and therefore it is increasingly important to study what motivates employees for better performance. This section offers a review of literature, which explores the concepts, types and theoretical aspects including content and process theories, theories of motivation developed in other psychological areas as well as empirical evidences in organizational contexts. 2.1 Motivation Motivation is defined as a human psychological characteristic that add to a persons degree of commitment. It is the management process of in ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡uencing employees behavior. (Badu, 2005) Conversely, Bartol and Martin (1998) relate motivation to the force that stimulates behavior, provide direction to behavior, and underlies the tendency to prevail. In other words individuals must be sufficiently stimulated and energetic, must have a clear focus on what is to be achieved, and must be willing to commit their energy for a long period of time to realize their aim in order to achieve goals. However, other than motivation being a force that stimulates behavior, Vroom (1964) emphasized on the voluntary actions. Supported by Steers et al. (2004), Vroom (1964) defined motivation as a process governing choice made by personsamong alternative forms of voluntary activity. Similarly Kreitner and Kinicki (2004) assumed that motivation incorporate those psychological proce sses that create the arousal, direction and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal oriented. Quite differently from the other definitions, Locke and Latham (2004) identified that motivation influence peoples acquisition of skills and the extent to which they use their ability. According to the authors the concept of motivation refers to internal factors that impel action and to external factors that can act as inducements to action. The three aspects of action that motivation can affect are direction (choice), intensity (effort), and duration (persistence). Motivation can affect both the acquisition of peoples skills and abilities; and also the extent to which they utilize their skills and abilities (Locke and Latham, 2004). In a nut shell, different authors have put forward the concept of motivation differently. Nonetheless, these definitions have three common aspects, that is, they are all principally concerned with factors or events that stimulate, channel, and prol ong human behavior over time (Steers et al. 2004). 2.2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation Following Lakhani and Wolf (2005), Lakhani and Von Hippel (2003) and Lemer and Tirole (2004), the current scholarly thinking favors a framework that considers two components of motivation given by intrinsic and extrinsic components. Accordingly, Lawler (1969) intrinsic motivation is the degree to which feelings of esteem, growth, and competence are expected to result from successful task performance. This view bounds intrinsic motivation to an expectancy approach and expectancy theory which clearly indicates that intrinsic and extrinsic motivations summate (Porter Lawler, 1968). Moreover, as per to Amabile et al. (1993) Individuals are said to be intrinsically motivated when they seek, interest, satisfaction of curiosity, self expression, or personal challenge in the work. On the other hand individuals are said to be extrinsically motivated when they engaged in the work to gain some goal that is part of the work itself. As per to the author this definition of intrinsic and extri nsic motivation is based on the individual perception of the individual perception of task and his or her reasons for engaging in it. Moreover, Amabile et al. further argued that intrinsic motivators arise from an individuals feelings with regards to the activity and they are necessary to adhere to the work itself. Conversely, extrinsic motivators although they may be dependent on the work, they are not logically an inherent part of the work. Furthermore, in line with the concept of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, De Charms (1968) suggest that external rewards might undermine intrinsic motivation. He further proposed that individuals seek for personal causation and because of the desire to be the origin of his behavior; man keeps struggling against the constraint of external forces. Thus, De Charms hypothesized that when a man perceives his behavior as originating from his own choice, he will value that behavior and its results but when he perceives his behavior as originatin g from external forces, that behavior and its results, even though identical in other respects to behavior of his own choosing, will be devalued. De Charms (1968) further argued that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation may interact, rather than summate that is the introduction of extrinsic rewards for the behaviors that was intrinsically rewarding may decrease rather than enhance the overall motivation. The author argued that the introduction of an extrinsic reward put the individual in a dependent position relative to the source of the reward. The locus of causality for his behavior changes from self to the external reward and thus the individuals perception of self-control, free choice, and commitment deteriorate and hence do his motivation. In addition Frey (1997) note that high intrinsic work motivation evolving from work which is interesting involves the trust and loyalty of personal relationships and is participatory. However, under certain circumstances, intrinsic motivatio n can be diminished, or crowded-out by external interventions like monitoring or pay-for-performance incentive schemes. This was also supported by Frey and Jegen (2001) who reviewed the literature on intrinsic motivations and found that the evidence does suggest that incentives sometimes do crowd-out intrinsic motivations. Besides, Frey (1997) suggests that the important matter is whether the external intervention is in the form of a command or a reward. Commands are most controlling in the sense that they seize self-determination from the agent, while rewards might still allow autonomy of action. The maximization of employees motivation to attain the organizations goals can only be obtained through a complete understanding of motivation theories (Reid 2002). There is a wide variety of theoretical frameworks that have been developed in the attempts to explain the issues related to motivation. Stoner, Edward and Daniel (1995) has described two different views on motivation theory, given by the earliest views and the contemporary approach which can further be subdivided into content and process theories. 2.3 Theories of Motivation 2.3.1 The earliest views of motivation One of the earliest views of motivation is Frederick W Taylor et al. (1911) scientific management theory. Taylor (1911) with regards to employee motivation proposed a paternalistic approach to managing workers and argued that workers are economic men and in order to motivate them, workers should be paid higher wages. The author also argued that the higher is the wage rate, the higher will be the level motivation and productivity. Furthermore, Taylor points out that many payment methods were ineffective, as they did not reward efficiency and he believed that a differential piece-work incentive system should be replaced with a piece rate incentive system (Wren, 2005). In other words workers should be paid according to the number of units produced in order to motivate them to work. On the other hand in line with building on the concept of motivation Elton Mayo (1953) came up with the Human Relations approach whereby the emphasis is laid on non-economic motivators. According to Elto n Mayo (1953), if objectives of organizations are to be met, it must attempt to understand, respect and consider the emotions, sense of recognition and satisfaction that is the non-monetary needs of workers. He believed that employees are not just concern with money but also they need to have their social needs to be met in order to be motivated to work. He is of view that workers enjoy interactions and managers should treat them as people who have worthwhile opinions. Furthermore, McGregor (1960) postulates Theory X and Theory Y which is based on assumptions about people and work. According to this theory, there are two types of assumption made with regards to employees whereby theory X assumes that employees are lazy and therefore theory X suggests that in order to motivate employees a more autocratic style of management is required. On the other hand theory Y assumes that workers enjoy work, committed to objectives of the organization and will apply self control and self direc ted in the pursuit of organizational objectives and therefore does not require external control. 2.3.2 Content theories of motivation Content theories tend to focus on individual needs and attempt to explain the factors within a person that stimulate and stop behavior (Reid, 2002). According to Bassett-Jones and Lloyd (2005), content theory assume a more complex interaction between both internal and external factors, and explored the circumstances in which individuals react to different types of internal and external stimuli. The most well known content theory of motivation is the hierarchy of needs which has been put forward by Abraham Maslow (1943). According to Maslow, people are motivated by five types of needs and in order to motivate people to work more productively there is a need to offer them opportunity to satisfy those needs. He proposed that basic needs are organized in a hierarchy of prepotency and probability of appearance (Wahba and Bridwell, 1973). These needs include physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem and self-actualization. Maslow argued that once a lower order need is fulfilled, the next level of needs in the hierarchy comes into play that is once employees satisfy the lower order needs they will next consider the next level of needs. The author further argued that unfulfilled lower needs dominate ones thinking and behavior until they are satisfied (Berl et al. 1984). However this theory has also been criticized to a large extent, for example Wahba and Bridwell (1973) argued that based on the ten factor analytic studies that have attempted to test Malows theory; there is no clear evidence that human needs are classified into five different categories, or that these categories are organized in a special hierarchy. The authors contradict Malows proposition and points out that, none of the studies has shown all of Maslows five need categories as independent factors, for example some studies have showed that the self-actualization needs may emerge as an independent category. They also argued that studies have also proved the issue of need depri vation and the domination of behavior to be different from that suggested by Maslow. Moreover results have also proved that either self-actualization or security are the least satisfied needs and social needs are the most satisfied. Therefore it is difficult to determine the general pattern of the degree of satisfaction and these trends are not the same as proposed by Maslow (Wahba and Bridwell, 1973). Conversely, Alderfer (1972) in the attempt to address the short comings of Malows theory proposed an alternative to Maslows theory which he termed as the ERG theory and postulate a three level hierarchy. Alderfer grouped Maslows five categories of needs into three categories given by Existence, Relatedness and Growth. According to the author, people are motivated by these three groups of core needs and he asserted that as one level of need is satisfied another takes over but if a need is not satisfied on a continuous basis, the individual may decide to give such a need a low priori ty. Nonetheless, while Maslow and Alderfer presented the concept of motivation in a hierarchy, McClelland (1961, 1971), ignored the concept of hierarchy and put forward a theory known as the acquired need theory that emphasize on three types of needs namely, need for affiliation, need for achievement and need for power. McClelland is of view that individuals experiences are acquired through life experiences that is they are learned. According to this theory individuals possess several needs, and when these needs are activated they serve to motivate behavior and this is to the contrary of Maslows proposition of a continuous progression throughout the hierarchy of needs (Steers et al. 2004). Moreover, also put differently Herzberg et al. (1959) sought to understand how work activities and the nature of an employees job influence motivation and performance. They proposed a theory that involves what they termed as motivators and hygiene factors. According to Herzberg the most cruc ial difference between the motivators and the hygiene factors is that the motivator factors involve psychological growth while the hygiene factors involve physical and psychological pain avoidance. The authors examined motivators and hygiene factors in the workplace and proposed that where job satisfaction was high there would be corresponding high motivation. Herzberg (1959) further argued that work motivation is influenced to a large extent by the degree to which a job is intrinsically challenging and provides opportunities for recognition and reinforcement. However despite that Herbergs theory has been widely accepted by managers (e.g Latham 2007, Miner 2005, Steers and Porter 1983), this theory has been criticized by many authors. For example Reid (2002) argued that the work of Herzberg is an examination of job satisfaction rather than motivation of employees. Reid also argued that no matter how much emphasis is laid on factors that are intrinsically rewarding, if hygiene fac tors such as low pay is not addressed, their full effect cannot be felt. Moreover, also Brenner et al. (1971) contradict Herzberg proposition that motivation factors increase job satisfaction and hygiene factors leads to job dissatisfaction and points out that his study and others indicated that the employees received job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction from both the motivating and the hygiene factors. Similarly Locke (1976) assessed Herzberg two factor theory and argued that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction result from different causes. 2.3.3 Emperical studies of content theories Zakeri et al. (1997) carried out research in the Iranian construction industry to find out level of Maslows hierarchy of needs are the most motivating factors and whether these factors are motivating factors or just hygiene factors as proposed by Herzberg. A list of 20 factors was chosen according to Maslows classification of needs and the lists were presented to the construction crafts- men and operatives whereby Zakeri et al. (1997) found five most motivating factors in descending order namely; fairness of pay, Incentive and financial rewards, on-time payment, good working facilities and safety. The authors argued that despite Herzbergs proposition that money is not a satisfier, this survey along with others proved that money is the most motivating factor. In addition Arnolds and Boshoff (2002) conducted research in a number of firms in South Africa to investigate the impact of need satisfaction on self-esteem and of self-esteem on performance intention as suggested by Alderfe r (1972). According to the empirical results, self-esteem was found as a significant determinant of employee job performance and results showed that providing frontline employees opportunities to perform challenging work, allow participation and teaching them new things on the job will enhance their self-esteem as well as their performance intentions (Arnolds and Boshoff, 2002). The authors argued that the experiment also showed that the satisfaction of fringe benefits does not have a significant impact on performance intentions via self-esteem as an intervening variable and this support Herzbergs et al. (1959) theory. 2.3.4 Process theories of motivation Along with the content theories, there are also different process theories. According to Viorel et al. (2009) the content theories emphasize on specific factors that motivate workers with regards to certain necessities and aspirations, while the process theories emphasize on the processes and the psychological forces that have an impact on motivation. They start from the premise that motivation starts with the desire to do something. The process theories provide more realistic principles with regards to motivation techniques and therefore they are more useful to managers compared to content theories (Viorel et al. 2009). Vroom (1964), in the interest to study motivation developed an alternative to the content theories which is known as the expectancy theory. Vroom suggest that there are three mental components that are considered as instigating and directing behavior and these are referred to as Valence, Instrumentality, and Expectancy. He argued that employees rationally analyz e different on-the-job work behaviors and then choose those behaviors which they believe will lead to their most valued work-related rewards and outcomes. Moreover, Porter and Lawler (1968) expanded Vrooms work to identify the role of individual differences for example employee abilities and skills and the role clarity in relating job effort to actual job performance. Porter and Lawler also explained the relationship between performance and satisfaction and argued that this relationship is mediated by the extent and quality of the rewards that employees receive in return for their job performance. In addition to expectancy theory Adams (1963), developed the equity theory to clarify how employees respond cognitively and behaviorally with regards to unfairness in the workplace. Adams suggested that employees develop beliefs about what constitutes a fair and equitable return for their job performance and contributions therefore employees always compare their efforts and the associat ed rewards with that of other employees and in case there is a situation whereby there is an element of injustice or unfairness there is an imbalance that is a perception of inequity will result. The author is therefore of view that when perception of inequity occurs the employee will get engaged in activities and do effort in order to reduce the inequity. On the other hand, quite differently Latham and Locke (1979) came up with the goal setting theory. According to Latham (2004), the underlying premise of the goal setting theory is that ones conscious goals affect what one achieves. The author argued that this is because a goal is said to be the objective or aim of an action and having a specific goal result to improved performance. Employees with specific hard goals tend to perform better compared to those with vague goals and that a goal is a standard for assessing an individuals performance. Moreover, Latham also suggested that to the extent that the goal is met or exceeded, satisfaction increases; and conversely, to the extent that performance falls short of the goal, ones satisfaction decreases. While content theories have tended to focus on needs of people and process theories have focused on factors motivating people, Adair (2006) have brought some new issues in the field of employee motivation and developed a new theory of motivation known as the Fifty-Fifty rule. Unlike the authors of content and process theories, Adair is of view that motivation lies both within an individual as well as external to the individual. According to the author, 50 percent of motivation lies within a person and fifty percent lies outside the person however Adair points out that this theory does not assert for the exactly fifty-fifty proportion in the equation but it only emphasized on the idea that a considerable part of motivation lies within a person while a considerable part lies outside and beyond its control. 2.3.5 Emperical studies of process theories With regards to Adams Equity theory, Levine (1993) calculated wage residuals for more than 8,000 manufacturing employees. Wage residuals re ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡ect employees wages relative to employees with similar demographics and human capital in terms of education and training (Ambrose and Kulik, 1999). Levine found that employees with higher wage residuals reported that they were less likely to leave, were more satis ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ed with their pay, were willing to work harder than they had to, and were more committed to the organization. Therefore in line with this argument, the author pointed out that employees with low wage residuals might be expected to experience inequity or unfairness relative to similar others and exhibit negative responses. Moreover Arnolds and Boshoff (2002) conducted research in a number of South African firms whereby they analyzed the application of the expectancy theory put forward by Vroom (1964) and they argued that the satisfaction with pay and fringe benefits does not impact on the performance intentions of frontline employees because these need satisfactions do not have any esteem valence for these employees. In other words, frontline employees do not have a higher regard of themselves if they are getting enough pay to fulfill basic necessities (Arnolds and Boshoff, 2002). Besides based on the Goal Setting theory, Stans ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ eld and Longenecker (2006) performed a study in a traditional manufacturing plant in the Midwestern USA to develop a model of efficient and effective goal setting and feedback practices for manufacturing. According to the authors the study showed that an information system, facilitating goal setting and feedback can play a vital role in improving individual performance levels. Stansfield and Longenecker also found that employee motivation and performance were both improved in the study, which lead to better organizational performance and pro ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ tability. The autho rs also argued that goal setting and feedback can create competitive advantage for manufacturers with a minimum investment of time and capital if they implement these practices with proper coordination. 2.3.6 Reinforcement Theory B.F. Skinner (1953) compared to need and process theories, came up with a different theory known as the reinforcement theory in which he proposed that peoples behavior is dependent upon its consequences. He suggested that if consequences of behavior is positive then such behavior will be repeated and vice-versa. Skinner (1953) argued that behavior can thus be reinforced through different forms of reinforcement or rewards. According to him individuals can be influenced in four different ways given by positive reinforcement (a reward such as praise so that the person repeat the behavior), negative reinforcement (rewarding employees by removing unwanted consequences), extinction (deliberately withheld positive reinforcement to discourage unwanted behavior) and punishment (applying undesirable consequences for unwanted behaviors). Through these theories, it can be said that work motivation has been characterized by dimensions such as interesting job, ability to perform, recognition, adequate pay, and feedback on performance (Dwivedula and Bredillet, 2010). However according to Meyer et al. (2004) it is also very important to consider differences in the psychological states, or mindsets that can accompany motivation. Therefore, Meyer et al. (2004) argued that motivation theories developed in other areas of psychology render a convincing case that motivation is multidimensional. 2.3.7 Adaptation-Level Theory Bowling et al. (2005) argued that the adaptation-level theory (Helson, 1948, 1964a, 1964b), offers one potential explanation for the temporal stability of job satisfaction. Bowling explained that the theory postulates that someones evaluation of an outcome is said to be a function of previous experiences outcomes. For example, an employee who has worked for years without a pay raise would be expected to respond positively to even a small pay increase because this change in pay would be different from that individuals adaptation level, however the positive response would be temporary as the individuals adaptation level would eventually change as the experience of the pay increase is integrated into the employees adaptation level (Bowling et al. 2005). 2.3.8 Self-Regulatory Theory Moreover quite differently, Higgins (1997, 1998) proposed the regulatory focus theory that draw important differences in the processes through which individuals approach pleasure and avoid pain. Huggins proposed that individuals have two types of motivational systems given by a system that regulates rewards (promotion focus) and one that regulates punishments (prevention focus). According to the author people who operate primarily within the promotion focus are concerned with accomplishments, are sensible towards the existence or absence of rewards, adopt a goal attainment strategy, are more creative and are more willing to take risks. However, people who operate within the prevention focus tend to be more concerned with duties and responsibilities and are more sensitive to the existence or absence of punishments. Moreover the regulatory focus is ascertained both by situational and chronic factors (Higgins, 1997, 1998). 2.3.9 Activation theory On the other hand Anderson (1976, 1983) came up with the activation theory whereby he argued that the strongest motivating factor is the work itself however over time as the worker get used with the environment and learns the responses required in the repetitive task there may be a fall in the activation level or job stimulation. It is important to highlight that over time all work tends to become repetitive after the job has been practiced and therefore a wide range of dysfunctional and non-task activities must be pursued to offset the fall in the job stimulation level (Milbourn 1984). Moreover according to Milbourn (1984), if dysfunctional activities are addressed, managers can consider enriching jobs through job redesign to reduce monotony at work in order to maintain job stimulation. 2.4 Motivational practices in Organizational environment According to Islam and Ismail (2008) the theories mentioned continue to offer the foundation for organization and managerial development practices to a large extent. Along with the above theories, during the last decade, based on employees motivation many empirical studies have been carried out (Islam and Ismail, 2008). For example, Bent et al. (1999) carried out research in small food manufacturing businesses whereby respondents were asked to complete, using a five-point Likert scale about how they felt motivated and then how satisfied they were with their jobs and the authors found that the degree of positive motivation was high. According to Bent et al. (1999) the employees were either very or moderately motivated with their jobs, however it was important to note that no respondents stated that they were either very motivated or very dissatisfied with their job. The authors also argued that issues which are associated with individual management style include lack of appreciation from management to feel for the work of employees and that there was also poor communication contributing to low job satisfaction and this contrasts with the identification by employees, of the motivating or satisfying qualities of a good management style. Moreover VaitkuvienÃÆ'„- (2010) conducted research in two Swedish manufacturing companies given by, the company Frilight AB and Enitor Plast AB and reported that the workers were found satisfied with the working conditions, training of staffs and career opportunities. The author argued that the Swedish employees were motivated and that the employees do not avoid responsibilities and follow directions. VaitkuvienÃÆ'„- (2010) also found that almost all employees are stimulated with the organizing of recreational tours, holidays and events. According to the author more than half of employees in the Sweden manufacturing companies are stimulated through gifts on various occasions (birthdays, holidays), free meals at w ork, health insurance coverage, work, clothes, equipment, travels for the company employees, days off, recognition and good working conditions and therefore the author pointed out that the employees of the manufacturing companies consider non-financial motivation tools to be more important. Eventually, Dwivedula and Bredillet (2010), in line with the authors Cummings and Blumberg (1987) pointed out that studies from the manufacturing sector emphasize on the importance of providing autonomy, and skill variety to the employees which are otherwise absent. On the other hand Adler (1991) observed and concluded that manufacturing firms rely on job rotation, and voluntary job switching to motivate the employees. Moreover, Galia (2008) supported by Dwivedula and Bredillet (2010) reported that more recently it has been observed that, in a survey of 5000 manufacturing  ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ rms by SESSI (Industrial Statistics Department of the French Ministry of Economics, Finance, and Industry ), practices such as autonomy at work, incentives to promote creativity have been widely adopted in order to motivate the workers.